Brio water dispenser review
Staying hydrated is easy
As an avid drinker of spring water, I have been purchasing my water via 5-gallon jugs through Absopure, which then are delivered to my home on a monthly basis. Getting these jugs delivered means that I needed a way to dispense the water. Because I drink so much tea, I was looking for a dispenser that would give me hot (and cold!) water with the push of a button. I have been using this Brio water dispenser for over a year now, and I love it enough to want to write a whole product review about it! (This post includes Affiliate links). Read my Brio water dispenser review below to learn about some of my favorite attributes about this dispenser.
Instant hot and cold water
The ability to have hot water with the push of a button is a luxury that I am lucky to have, and for those looking to purchase a water dispenser, I can’t recommend this dispenser enough. There is a red child safety button for the hot water that you must slide before pressing down, so the water does not instantly come out (if you have little ones, this is a wonderful added feature). I drink a lot of tea and various other hot beverages, so this dispenser was an absolute game changer for me. I also fill up my water bottle pretty regularly to take with me when I go out (I try to avoid buying single-use plastic water bottles as much as possible), so having fresh, cold water available to me and my guests is always something I will be grateful to have.

Relatively low noise
This Brio dispenser only makes noise when it is heating and/or cooling the water, or when the water level in the jug is low. When that happens, it makes a low rumbling sound, but lasts only for several seconds. It does not make consistent noise, so if you are a light sleeper like me and are worried that it will wake you up in the middle of the night, worry not! My dispenser is kept in our kitchen, so it is already a fair amount of space away from the bedroom, but even if it were closer, the dispenser does not make loud enough noise to make me feel like it might disturb my sleep. My cats are relatively jumpy, and their food dishes are right next to the dispenser, and they don’t seem to mind it at all, which is a huge plus.

Saves you time and space
If you’re anything like me, and always looking for different products to help save you time in your day, investing in this dispenser is a no-brainer. I used to stand in front of my stove and literally watch my water boil whenever I wanted a small cup of tea. With this dispenser, you don’t have to sit (or stand) and wait any longer! The hot water does come out very hot (you can see the steam when it dispenses), so you’ll need to wait a minute or so for your beverage to cool once using the hot water dispenser, but it won’t be as scalding as boiling water would be if you boiled it on the stovetop. Did I mention that the dispenser also saves space? This dispenser saves you from having to keep a pitcher of water in your refrigerator, so you have more space for food and drinks that need to stay cold.

Easy water jug replacement
If you’re used to using top-load water dispensers where you have to lift the heavy jug up and awkwardly try to position it over the dispenser after removing the plastic cover, this Brio dispenser solves that awkward lifting with a bottom-load solution, including an easy to open bottom door that hides the jug neatly. To replace a jug, all you need to do is remove the plastic cap off the new jug, take the tube from the old jug and insert it into the new jug, and tuck it in its place underneath the dispenser, and close the door. Badda bing, badda boom! You’re ready to enjoy your water.

Where to buy
This Brio dispenser is available on Amazon currently for just under $184. Be sure to check out the Brio website if you’d like to browse their other dispensers to find one that’s right for you!