A soft pink wooden horizontal background banner with white flowers in the top and bottom corners.
A circular profile close up image of Maddie, wearing a black and white polka dot dress, with dark blonde hair and a soft distant gaze toward the camera. Founder of La Vie Bien.

La Vie Bien

Dedicated to a life of performing arts, bilingual fluency, and a focus on mental health & wellness

​What does La Vie Bien mean, exactly?

Well, for one, it’s a reference to my family name (Bien). But more than that, it’s a focus on how I try to live a good life (translated from French), in living out my passions and exploring how to be a helpful member of the community in the process.

Theatre & Improv

Growing up in Southeast Michigan, I have become immersed in the vibrant, diverse theatre community and have become a performer and theatre goer from my middle school days onward. In my theatre blog, I write about a range of topics from auditions to my favorite character shoes, to my favorite and least favorite stage shows. I’ll highlight some wonderful theatres in the area and throughout the state, dream roles, and delve into the improv world and what it takes to be a leader in the improv community.

Mental Health

As a performer I’ve battled with mental health issues such as anxiety, self-doubt, and stress, and have taken a serious look at how I manage my anxiety so that I can continue to perform in a healthy way. I write about a range of mental health topics from managing stress under pressure, to getting in the right mental state when you are in the middle of a performance, to meditation techniques. If you aren’t a performer but seek to improve your mental health, these articles can help you, too.

Bilingualism and second language acquisition

One of the most exciting parts about the Michigan community is its diversity. For as long as I’ve been a theatre lover (and that’s a long time), I’ve been equally in love with second language acquisition (specifically, learning French). I have devoted my life to learning the language and sharing my learnings with the community. After receiving my Bachelor of Arts in French Studies from Western Michigan University in 2009, I went to France twice to study the language as well as to teach English as a Teaching Assistant. Since receiving my degree, I’ve tutored and taught students of all ages, both in and outside the classroom. But, my passion for the second language acquisition didn’t stop there – I continued on to get my Master of Science in International Administration from Central Michigan University where I wrote my Master’s thesis in the Benefits of Bilingualism. I founded The Wandering Francophones, a Meetup group that meets twice a month to allow those in the community who want to practice French to do so for a few hours on a Friday each month. We have all levels of members from beginner to native, and enjoy a full French conversation over dinner while discussing current events, our personal lives, and any other goings on in the community. Hop on over to my Learning French blog to see how the meetup has been going, tips and tricks for maintaining your second language, and how to run your own language meetup!

If you would like to learn more about me or the Southeast Michigan community, check out the “More” link in the navigation menu at the top of the page. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions by heading to the “get in touch” button. If you’d like to receive personal newsletters from me 1-2 times a month, go ahead and sign up for my newsletter using the form below!
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