Running gear I’m into

A few years back, I got into running daily. I don’t run fast, or very long, even (on average I run for either an hour on my treadmill with 40 minutes walking and 20 actually running or just over 5 kilometers if I run outside), but it just feels so good after – my head is clear, my anxiety is lessened, and I feel like I can actually conquer the day. So, what summer running gear am I into these days to beat the heat and improve my runs?

I have lately been in search of better running gear now that I’ve taken to running outside more often. I don’t mind the rain, but when it does come down, I want to keep it out of my eyes. For this, I like a good athletic, lightweight baseball cap, so I recently got this one from Amazon for $26 (disclaimer: I earn commissions from sponsored links in this post):

I really like the elastic band in the back because it slides easily over my ponytail. I have another hat that was a bit cheaper, but has a velcro back to it which sometimes undoes itself when I throw it in the wash (no big deal!) but, I’d prefer the elastic over the velcro any day.
It also keeps the sun out of my eyes! I do usually wear these sunglasses for $22 when I run, too, but my eyes are SO sensitive, that every little bit of protection does help. Here are the sunglasses I picked up recently:

They come in several different colors, and I’ve been really into pink lately for some reason, so these are the pair I picked!

I am really not into special brands when it comes to running apparel, but I do​ try to be cost-conscious when I am shopping for gear. I am not one who shops at LuLuLemon. I’ve been in the store once and never bought anything. I’m sure their quality is excellent (I’ve heard from those of you who love the brand!) but I just can’t bring myself to spend more than $20 for a sports bra. Y’know what I mean? It’s going under a shirt anyway. I’m not showing it off. Why drop loads of cash on something that’s going to be hidden from view? For summer running gear, I’m looking for inexpensive, practical pieces that won’t break the bank.

Since it’s been super toasty out lately, I’ve busted out the running tanks again. I like this 3-pack I got on Amazon for $25 – I’ve worn them to a few pick-up soccer matches and they are perfectly lightweight.

Comfort is important, too, yes! I’ve found some of my comfiest apparel at places like Target and various thrift stores around me. Which reminds me – I need to do a whole post on thrifting! Thrift stores are another great place to find comfy summer running gear.

Ok – more to come another time. Alex has come home from work and it’s time to log off. Happy Monday, everyone! 🙂 

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