
Audition Struggles

You know that feeling when you’ve been looking forward to something for a while, and you finally get the news you’ve been waiting for, and it’s not the news you’d been hoping for? Have you recently gone through a difficult audition that you’re wishing went differently?

It hurts, and feels like a crushing weight on your chest. Maybe it washes over you like a wave of sadness that just seeps in and envelops you. Maybe it’s just a quick sting of pain where you tell yourself “it isn’t that bad”, but you still feel the hurt and can’t shake it. What do you do to heal?

In my recent case of audition rejection, aside from trying to refrain from negative self-talk, something that I find helps me is talking through the audition with loved ones. Any friends that maybe went to the audition with you would possibly also like to discuss their experience and feelings thereafter. The simple act of talking about the audition and your experience can help you process any feelings, which can be more helpful than bottling them up to deal with by yourself. 

Did I do everything in my power to have a successful audition? Yes.

Did I prepare myself mentally (meditating, positive self talk) and physically (vocal warm ups, healthy lunch beforehand, exercising to rid myself of excess nerves)? Yes.

Did I still have the physical jitters that wouldn’t go away when I got in front of the casting panel? Yes.

Sometimes, you can do everything in your power to prepare, and you still might mess up the audition. But you can’t get down on yourself, because any little mistakes you might make do not equate to you being a bad actor/singer/performer. 

Will those mistakes cost you the role? Perhaps. Perhaps not. So, why did it still feel like a difficult audition, despite giving it your best effort?

Maybe you didn’t get the role because of something completely unrelated to what you think was a “mistake”.

You might not have fit the character vision the directors were going for (physically or with the way you delivered your lines). This is more of a challenge when auditioning for a role in a theatre where the casting directors are not familiar with you and your work, and do not know your skill or ability. 

Alternatively, the casting team may already have a person in mind for the role you are going for, which makes getting selected all the more difficult. Is this completely out of your control? Yes.

Focusing only on the things you can control is all you can do in these circumstances. 

So you didn’t get the role – okay. It’s time to look forward and focus on what else is coming up and stay positive about your skills and abilities. 

There is something else out there for you, and it’s not far off. It’s not unattainable. It is within your reach and you just don’t know it yet. 

Keep a positive outlook. Make a list of other shows in your area that look interesting and note down the audition and show dates for each, so you can weigh how much you want to audition for one versus the other, then you can narrow down to the next one you want to prep for. There is always going to be something to look forward to. The next time you go out to audition, it won’t be a difficult audition, but one full of confidence in yourself. Being confident (even if you still feel a little insecure) will radiate in your performance, so give it your all! You got this!

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